
Parents and carers who wish to volunteer at Gold Coast Christian College are encouraged to register their interest in doing so and indicate their preference in the areas of the College that they would like to assist. This can be done via a form available at the front office, or at the College website.

Parent Forums

At Gold Coast Christian College we value feedback from all stakeholders as it informs our school improvement journey. Parent forums will be organised to provide an opportunity for parents to provide feedback as to what is working well at the College, as well as share insights regarding what could be improved. Each Parent Forum will have a focus topic, and will also conclude with a survey to ensure each attendee can share their perspective.

Parents will be given the opportunity annually at a parent forum to provide suggestions as to the use of parent levy funds for the next year. The College advisory will suggest projects that these funds can be allocated towards along with suggested projects from teachers. Parents will be able to provide feedback and suggest additional ideas for the College Advisory to consider. Parents may also suggest additional fundraising events in order to achieve a particular project, however, must consider the fundraising guidelines below, and seek approval from the advisory.

Fundraising Guidelines

All fundraising events must have appropriate internal control mechanisms and must have a specific purpose so that contributors understand the purpose of the activity.

Appropriate partnerships may be sought from industry and commerce so long as they benefit the school, have educational value, and do not involve the association with undesirable products and services that are contrary to the values and practices of the Seventh-day Adventist church, such as tobacco or alcohol.

Fund raising activities and prizes given as part of incentive strategies are to be in harmony with the practices of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and must not include:

  • Alcoholic beverages;
  • Use of raffles, lotteries and other gambling activities; and
  • Forms of entertainment that are not part of accepted church practice

Further guidelines:

  • Fundraising activities will not be scheduled for Sabbath (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset);
  • The Association will only serve the following meat (chicken, beef, fish or lamb) when providing / arranging food for events.
  • All fundraising activities will be identified as such, and will only involve voluntary participation;
  • All profits (and losses) associated with fundraising activities will be reported to the wider community; and
  • All transactions related to fundraising activities will be reported to the College Advisory.